如有任何問題,請儘速回報於助教。Last update:5/26 PM 6:30 1. Haidar Safa, HassanArtail, MirnaNahhas, "A cache invalidation strategy for mobile networks,"Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 33(2010),168-182. 林敬倫、江珣瑞 5/18 PM 1:03 劉哲榮、梁皓鈞 5/18 PM 1:03 林邦彥、吳宗勳 5/19 AM 9:01 2. Z. Wang, M. Kumar, S.K. Das, and H. Shen, “Dynamic Cache Consistency Schemes for Wireless Cellular Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 2006. 林彥宏、蕭任鴻 5/18 PM 11:31 林巾鈴、許普聲 5/18 PM 11:33 3. M.K.H. Yeung, Y.K. Kwok, “Wireless Cache Invalidation Schemes with Link Adaptation and Downlink Traffic”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 2005. 劉承易、洪國鈞 5/18 PM 11:44 楊朝傑、謝偉群 5/18 PM 11:44 陳盈鈞、趙天霞 5/18 PM 11:44 4. Z. Wang, S. K Das, H. Che, and M. Kumar, “A Scalable Synchronous Cache Consistency Scheme (SACCS) for Mobile Environments,”IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 983-995, 2004. 陳翰辰、黃柏庭 5/18 PM 10:16 謝銘晏、黃瀚偉 5/19 PM 8:37 吳奕賢、陳德宇 5/24 AM 7:40 5. J. Xu, X. Tang, and D.L. Lee, “Performance Analysis of Location-Dependent Cache Invalidation Schemes for Mobile Environments,” IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 474-488, Mar./Apr. 2003. 6. Elmagarmid, A.; Jin Jing; Helal, A.; Choonhwa Lee, "Scalable cache invalidation algorithms for mobile data access," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume: 15 , Issue: 6,2003, Page(s): 1498 - 1511 7. B. Zheng, J. Xu, and D. L. Lee, “Cache Invalidation and Replacement Policies for Location-Dependent Data in Mobile Environments,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 1141-1153, Oct. 2002. 曾新益、衛彤軒 5/20 PM 9:41 彭智暉、郝亞迪 5/25 PM 2:46 8. G. Cao, “On Improving the Performance of Cache Invalidation in Mobile Environments,” ACM/Kluwer Mobile Network and Applications, 7(4), pp. 291-303, 2002. 林傑森、許榮倫 5/17 PM 5:35 陳心懋、潘致中 5/18 PM 0:56 羅翊萍、高士閎 5/18 PM 2:24 9. G. Cao, “Proactive Power-Aware Cache Management for Mobile Computing Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 608-621, June 2002. 楊馥華、郭俊麟 5/17 PM 4:51 蘇致融、滕正平 5/17 PM 5:15 邱碁森、姜昇志 5/18 PM 4:04 10. A. Kahol, S. Khurana, S.K.S. Gupta and P.K. Srimani, “A Strategy to Manage Cache Consistency in a Disconnected Distributed Environment,” IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 686-700, July 2001. 陳登詠、蘇鴻偉 (謝宗穎) 5/17 PM 11:42, 老師同意。 林立成、李冠德 5/18 PM 10:24 楊晏婷、鄭可莉 5/18 PM 11:03 11. K. Tan, J. Cai, B. Ooi, “An Evaluation of Cache Invalidation Strategies in Wireless Environments”, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 789-807, Aug. 2001. 高琪雅、蔡政諺 5/18 PM 6:26 張楹旋、林姿吟 5/18 PM 6:28 潘璟德、劉亭宏 5/18 PM 9:47