
ID:01:陳俞多: (TKDE 2013) TEXT Automatic Template Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Pages
ID:04:李明潔: (NSDI 2013) Demystifying Page Load Performance with WProf
ID:05:黃沛樺: (AGILE 2012) Caching techniques for high-performance Web Map Services
ID:06:邱垂銘: The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
ID:07:蕭應涵: Load Balancing 101: The Evolution to Application Delivery Controllers
ID:08:王欣如: Ultra-Performant Dynamic Websites with Varnish
ID:09:林昆輝: (IJCSI 2012) An Implementation of a Dynamic Partitioning Scheme for Web Pages
ID:10:邱郁哲: (WWW 2011) Analyzing and Accelerating Web Access in a School in Peri-Urban India
ID:11:許伯誠: (IJARCSSE 2012) Performance Analysis of Web Caching Through Cache Replacement Based on User Behavior
ID:12:余世淇: (ITCS 2012) A Survey on Web Pre-Fetching and Web Caching Techniques in a Mobile Environment
ID:13:薛尊升: (INFOCOM 2011 Workshop) Reducing DNS Caching
ID:14:游家瑋: (Operating Systems Review 2010) The Akamai Network: A Platform for High-Performance Internet Applications
ID:15:徐立賢: (WWW 2012) Surviving a Search Engine Overload
ID:16:許煌鑫: (MIC 2012) SOAP-Based vs. RESTful Web Services: A Case Study for Multimedia Conferencing
ID:17:黎青竹: (ICACT 2013) SPDY accelerator for improving Web access speed
ID:18:李袁碩: (CACM 2012) Bufferbloat: dark buffers in the internet

2013.05.21: ID: 01, 07, 13, 18
2013.05.28: ID: 11, 12, 14, 15
2013.06.04: ID: 04, 05, 06
2013.06.11: ID: 08, 09, 10, 16, 17